Ice layer of Arctic Ocean is predicted to Lost in 2008
Ice layer of Arctic Ocean is predicted to Lost in 2008
![]() Andrew Bartlett - Senator Australia |
Member of Parliament Queensland Performing Vegetarian Movement
![]() Ronan Lee - Parlemen Australia |
Ronan Lee, as members of parliament and environmental activists said in public that he did not want to eat meat because it can provide benefits to both the environment and keen to reduce carbon. Ronan Lee said, "Yes they do not know. People do not know everything that carry the burden of the environment. Production of beef splash water out, they need a phenomenal amount of water to produce just one kg of beef. Figures that I quoted in the Queensland Parliament when the source is taken from the CSIRO's leading scientists (Organization Scientific and Industrial Research of the State), Australia.
Ministry of Health of the United Arab Emirates Supports Vegetarian Week
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French Health Minister Encouraging residents to More Food Consumption phyto
![]() Menteri Kesehatan Prancis |
Creator of Law recommend Fewer German Meat
![]() Renate Kunast - Parlemen Jerman |
President, Office and 1.2 million people in Taiwan will Helps Reduce Carbon Emission by Switching to Vegetarian
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![]() Presiden Taiwan - Ma Ying Ciu |
More vegetables and less meat, invocation Office presidency in Taiwan. As part of the commemoration World Environment Day, the President of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou and Vice President Vincent Siew lead the entire office in the presidency signed the statement on measures to reduce CO2 and save energy, which include food products from local, eat more vegetables, and reduce the meat. Accompanied by measures other green, President Ma encourage all citizens to start to economize in order to reduce the sink of carbon emissions in the life of every person.
![]() Legislatif Taiwan |
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Maneka Gandhi (Indian Minister of Social Justice)
![]() Maneka Gandhi - Parlemen India |
Unless we change our food choices, no other important, because daginglah that destroy most of our forests, daginglah a puddle of water, daginglah that cause disease, which causes all creatures learner-money transferred to the hospital. So, it is the first choice for anyone who wants to save the Earth. We are very, very near the red line, so that we may wake up tomorrow and find a bed that is not anything that can be saved.
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Animal Husbandry has been responsible for 25 percent emissions of greenhouse gases in the territory of Estonia. To cover the loss environment, the government currently require cattle to pay for "digestive gas tax" for up to 350 liters of methane and 1,500 liters of carbon dioxide each issued by the cattle into the atmosphere.
Member of Parliament Swedish Animal Husbandry Industry Review
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Member of Parliament of Sweden to write a report entitled "The Livestock Industry and Climate - Farming Industry and Climate." In, Bpk. Holm criticize the practice to plant harvest for the fed to livestock and livestock sector reason to be one of the leading emissions of greenhouse gases largest. The report states that: "More than a third of all grain harvested animals into food. Is it rational? Why do not we produce less meat and reduce the harvest given to livestock that is available for grain to feed more people? "Reports that ended with the two main suggestions for Sweden and Europe: First, remove subsidies so that the price of meat in the meat market reflect the cost of the actual environmental damage. Second, encourage the community to the modern diet is vegetarian diet.
Visiting German Minister of Brazil and Urgent Less Meat Consumption
![]() Sigmar Gabriel - Menteri Jerman |
In the midst of discussions about the impact of the production of vegetable fuel to the rain forest, Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel has been calling on the impact of kepeduliannya consume meat. He commented about the devastation rain forest to plant soy beans exported to feed livestock in Europe. To help protect the trees in the Amazon, Minister Gabriel to a system that will measure the sustainability of products imported and then menagihnya., 1518,552027,00. html
Porsi Kecil
Sementara itu bagi mereka yang bermasalah dengan kebiasaan makan, tenang saja. Kelak manusia akan makan dalam porsi lebih sedikit. Mengapa? Biaya bahan pangan dan sumber energi yang terus membengkak akibat pemanasan global akan membuat manusia makan lebih sedikit.
Setidaknya itulah prediksi ilmuwan University of Illinois terhadap mendongkraknya harga makanan di masa mendatang. Selain menghemat, mengurangi porsi makan dilakukan demi kesehatan juga. Biaya perawatan kesehatan yang juga membengkak, membuat orang terpaksa menganut gaya hidup sehat dengan diet.
Ingin berkontribusi dalam menghemat energi? Mungkin bisa mulai mencoba diet. Asal tidak sampai kekurangan gizi saja.