Energy and food crisis are to advance across the earth. Want to energy efficient? One of them are with a vegetarian or at least reduce the sources of animal food. What is art? Because the material foods of animal appeared to need more energy consumption in the production of food and suplainya than vegetable.
Currently $ 19 energy consumption in the United States (U.S.) used to produce and supply food, so said David Pimentel and colleagues at Cornell University in the journal Human Ecology. Food products of animal and junk foods require more energy in production compared with vegetables, fruit and rice. To make a hamburger tangkup only requires at least 1,300 gallons of water, so according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Studies conducted by scientists, the origin of the University of Chicago, Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin said that a vegetarian is very effective in saving energy.
"By reducing junk foods and eat less meat, the United States can contribute to the large consumption of fuel and improve their own health," said Pimentel.
Porsi Kecil
Sementara itu bagi mereka yang bermasalah dengan kebiasaan makan, tenang saja. Kelak manusia akan makan dalam porsi lebih sedikit. Mengapa? Biaya bahan pangan dan sumber energi yang terus membengkak akibat pemanasan global akan membuat manusia makan lebih sedikit.
Setidaknya itulah prediksi ilmuwan University of Illinois terhadap mendongkraknya harga makanan di masa mendatang. Selain menghemat, mengurangi porsi makan dilakukan demi kesehatan juga. Biaya perawatan kesehatan yang juga membengkak, membuat orang terpaksa menganut gaya hidup sehat dengan diet.
Ingin berkontribusi dalam menghemat energi? Mungkin bisa mulai mencoba diet. Asal tidak sampai kekurangan gizi saja.
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